Tuesday, March 26, 2013

MANNAM International! Let’s plant PEACE seed in the world!

MANNAM International! Let’s plant PEACE seed in the world!

Learning Korean proverb time is back!!
Today’s proverb is ‘콩 심은 데 콩 나고 팥 심은 데 팥 난다(cong sim-eun dae cong na-go pat sim-eun dae pat nan-da)’. It is similar to English proverb  ‘An onion will not produce a rose or As one sows, so shall he reap’.
It means all brings certain results along its root.
It is an easy proverb that you don’t really have to think.
It is a natural situation to get what you plant.
No one expects something different than what they have plant.
It is an impossible thing except in the fairy tale.
However, when people face situation like this proverb, some people don’t understand it.
When people claim only their own opinion, they can’t negotiate, and it will cause argue.
On the contrary, when people try to understand each other and care others, it will make peace.
This is a situation of is ‘콩 심은 데 콩 나고 팥 심은 데 팥 난다(cong sim-eun dae cong na-go pat sim-eun dae pat nan-da)’.
We cannot expect peace being selfish. That is a greed.
If people really want peace in the world, we should work for it so that we can achieve world peace.
How? How about start from volunteering with MANNAM International?
 We gather and volunteer to plant seed of peace in the world.
Let’s make world brighter with the peace plants!

# Korean Proverb
- 콩 심은 데 콩 나고 팥 심은 데 팥 난다
- cong sim-eun dae cong na-go pat sim-eun dae pat nan-da
- An onion will not produce a rose. / As one sows, so shall he reap.

# Korean Vocabulary
-(cong) : bean
-(pat) : red bean
-심다(sim-da) : To plant
-나다(na-da) : Grow, sprout
-(dae) : Place, point, location

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