Monday, March 25, 2013

Expressions needed in MANNAM International Korean class-for students

Expressions needed in MANNAM International Korean class-for students

Lesson for class expression is back!
As we learned about expressions that teacher will say in the class, today, lets talk about students expressions.
In the class, even students ask questions in English, teachers understand and answer back.
In reality, there is no problem.
However, because its Korean class and students are here to learn Korean, isnt it fair to speak Korean in the korean class?
Its not about the reality but I think its about mind set of learning Korean.
As I volunteer in the MANNAM Korean class, I see two different students.
One is whom knows Korean a lot, but they study Korean as a knowledge. The other is they dont know much about Korean, but they study hard with their body.
Whats the difference between these two different group?
After time goes by, the group who learns Korean with their body speaks better than the other.
I am not talking about the way of studying Korean, but I am talking about their mind set.
Even though they dont know a lot of Korean, they try to use the words that they know.
This way, they can remember with their own body.
On the contrary, the other, even though they know lots of Korean, but really dont try to practice out loud, it will stay as a knowledge in the brain.
It means, whenever the situation to use Korean comes, because its unfamiliar to say in Korean, its hard to speak in that situation.
I think most of you have experience of these kinds of things.
In the school where you teach or where you are learning.
As a result, the main reason for saying this is to ask question with Korean in the class.
Start from basic thing will help you to build nice strong knowledge building on the top.
Here are expressions that students need in the class.
If you use these in the class, teacher will be happy that you are trying your best in the class.
so, lets see what we got.

천천히 말씀해 주세요
mal-sseum-hae ju-sae-yo
Please speak slowly
단어는 어떻게 읽어요?
yi dan-eo-neun eo-tteo-gae ilk-eo-yo
How can I read this word?
단어는 무슨 뜻이에요?
yi dan-eo-neun mu-seun tteut-i-ea-yo
What does this word mean?
오늘 숙제 있어요?
o-neul suk-jae it-eo-yo
Is there any homework today?
설명해 주세요
han-beon deo seol-myeong-hae ju-sae-yo
Please explain one more time

Isnt these the most popular words used in the Korean class?
From now on, lets start from the basic and build strong knowledge building.
Hope these helps you!

# Learning Korean Vocabulary

- 조금(jo-geum) : Little
- 천천히(cheon-cheon-hee) : Slowly
- 말씀(mal-sseum) :
- 단어(dan-eo) : Word
- 어떻게(eo-tteo-gae) : How
- 무슨(mu-seun) : What
- (tteut) : Meanning
- 읽다(ilk-da) : To read
- 숙제(suk-jae) : Homework
- (han-beon deo) : One more time
- 설명(seol-myeong) : Explanation

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