Tuesday, February 5, 2013

MANNAM! When Light meets Light there is Victory

MANNAM! When Light meets Light there is Victory

Do you know MANNAM’s slogan?? If you are a MANNAM member, you might have heard this.
When Light meet Light there is Victory!
Then... do you know what this mean? How can light makes victory?
Light represents a person who had light, this light is one's own CULTURE.
If people who has a light(culture) meets another light(culture) and share it together, the light will get bigger and bigger to lighten the dark world!
When dark world shines with the light, isn’t that a victory??
Light in this slogan is not just a sunlight that shines on us.
We, all of MANNAM members are the LIGHT who can lighten the world!
How? By invovling in volunteer works! We, MANNAM is a pure association
We make the world brighter by volunteering. When we share our culture thorugh volunteering, there will be victory.

Every languages have word 'LIGHT'. Because people or creature cannot live without light.
Light is essential to all of us. In this way, we need your culture to lighten the world.
Don’t you want to see brighter world? Let’s make VICTORY together.

First of all, how about sharing this slogan with others?
Now you know the meaning, you can explain to others too and make them to join us!
This is how to say in Korean.
빛과 빛의 만남은 이김!’ [bit gwa bit ui MANNAM eun igim]

@Korean Vocabulary & Grammar
*(bit) : Light
*/(wa/gwa)(connective postpositions) : And (Vowel+-, consonant+-)
*만나다->만남(mannada->MANNAM) : to meet(verb)->Meeting(noun)
*이기다->이김(igida->igim) : to win(verb)->win(noun)=victory

Don’t forget to make V sign with your thumb and point finger!
This V stands for VICTORY that comes from your light(what pointfinger represents) and my light(what thumb represents)

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