Friday, February 22, 2013

MANNAM! 세계 평화가 이뤄졌으면 좋겠어요. I wish WORLD PEACE to be achieved

MANNAM! 세계 평화가 이뤄졌으면 좋겠어요. I wish WORLD PEACE to be achieved

We always wish for something. Whether that is possible or not, we wish for better situation.
Sometimes, those thoughts can give you motivation to do something or they can make you frustrated because you feel like it’s far from reality.
There is a saying that I like, that is ‘There is a person who dreams about dream or someone achieves his or her dream’.                                                                                       
If there are two kinds of people, who do you want to be?
I’d rather want to be a person who really achieves the dream.
Everyone can wish for something or dream about their wish, but there are not many people who really make those wish come true.

Personally, this is why I like MANNAM.
Many people think of sharing their love and volunteering. However, it usually ends up in their head.
I’m not saying everyone is like this, but many of them, even I was like that too.
I like MANNAM because MANNAM really works to make their wish come true.
Whether it is a small or big dream, we don’t just sit down and dreams about it.
MANNAM, is a group of dreammakers!
How about you joining us and make your dream come true?

#Korean Vocabulary & Grammar

*V//었으면 좋겠어요(yeo/at/eo-eu-myeon jo-get-eo-yo) : I wish V. / I would like to V.
-English has a different word for this expression (In English, they use ‘”would” instead of “will”.), in Korean we use the same word for both.

*였으면 : Only for the verb ‘하다’. 하다 -> 했으면
*았으면 : For the verb that has ‘’, ‘’ in it.
*었으면 : For the rest of the verb except ‘’, ‘’.


1)이루다(i-ru-da) : achieve -> 이루어지다(Passive form) -> 이루어졌으면(이뤄졌으면)(Past form)
세계평화가 이뤄졌으면 좋겠어요
- sae-ge-peong-hwa-ga eop-eot-eu-myeon jo-get-eo-yo
- I wish WORLD PEACE to be achieved.

2)없다(eop-da) : doesn’t exist -> 없어지었으면(없어졌으면)
 -전쟁이 없었으면 좋겠어요
- jeon-jaeng-i eop-eot-eu-myeon jo-get-eo-yo
- I wish there wasn’t any war.

3)행복하다(hang-bok-ha-da) : happy -> 행복했으면
-모든 사람들이 행복했으면 좋겠어요
- mo-deun sa-ram-deul-i hang-bok-hay-eu-myeon jo-get-eo-yo
- I wish everyone to be happy.

4)함께하다(ham-kkae-ha-da) : be together -> 함께했으면
-당신과 함께했으면 좋겠어요
- dang-sin-gwa ham-kkae-hat-eu-myeon jo-get-eo-yo
- I would like to do this TOGETHER!

You can also see some sentences on this article too.


  1. To know if how much effort to the cause of world peace MANNAM.

  2. MANNAM volunteer is also famous for its commitment to spreading the value of world peace through organizing international events that focus on peace.

  3. MANNAM between the world is the light.
    I am happy to MANNAM

  4. Look forward to realizing the dream of world peace.

  5. The World Peace Festival was a spectacular event
