Monday, January 21, 2013

MANNAM! Do you know Korean Proverbs? 한국 속담 알아요~?

MANNAM! Do you know Korean Proverbs? 한국 속담 알아요~?

*속담 = Proverb
* = Meaning

# 천 리 길도 한 걸음부터

(Thousand) (Count Unit of distance) (Road,Way)도 한(One) 걸음(Step)부터(From)
Translate : Thousands miles starts from one step
: Whatever happends, start is important

#티끌 모아 태산

티끌(dust) 모아(collect) 태산(big mountain)
Translate : Collected dust makes big mountain
: A little makes a lot
*모으다 : Collect

What can you think when you think of peace, love and volunteer?
Things like UN, Nelson Mandela, Olympic...etc?
Being a peacemaker is not hard! Also, making wolrd peace is not just imagination!
If you and I, we, MANNAM starts volunteer works, It will get bigger and bigger and soon, it will change the world
Start doing it might be hard, but world peace starts from your FIRST STEP!
천 리 길도 한 걸음 부터!


  1. The first step of world peace ~ ~ ~ volunteer organization meeting where teleportation
    You deserve it to be famous worldwide

  2. Thank you for teaching us the korean proverb.
    have a nice day.

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. All over the world, the proverbs are very similar i think
